as i just finished my second year remedial class today n going home tomorrow..lets review wut had happend within dis year
dengue!!! yeahh..and it cost my cardiovascular modul..huh

zahidah bought a new phone..
kejohanan badminton kelab UMNO Jakarta (we won silver..yeayy!!)

motho-motho 's jersey hunting (my futsal team)
u r a big girl now aida

lya 21st birthday's celebration with her parents at Bandar Djakarta, Anchol
hepi birthday to you my bestie
07 Party comment bout da lab coat we're wearing.. its my 20th birthday celebration almost 6 months late
yeay..we finally finished our second year as medical students hard to believe aite? time to have some fun
n dis is me tonite..blogging in the middle of the nite insomnia a few more hours before im going back to malaysia =) yippeeeeeeee spot my new hair do*arghh* its not suppose to be that short!!